Where is Wunderglas?
Wunderglas is located in Berlin.
Where are orders shipped from?
All orders are shipped directly from Berlin. No overseas drop shipping, no long waiting times, easy returns.
How can I return an item?
If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it up to 14 days after receipt of the goods without giving a reason. Click here to learn more about returns.
Can I return discount items?
Yes, discount items can be returned.
What payment methods are available?
We accept PayPal, credit card and SOFORT Banking.
Are there any hidden costs with my order?
There are no hidden or additional costs with Wunderglas orders. Since we only ship from Germany and to Germany and the EU, there is never a risk that your order will have to be picked up at the customs office.
What's in the package?
With each piece of jewelry you will receive a non-tarnish cardboard box.
Where can I order from?
We deliver to Germany and the entire EU. Click here to learn more about the shipping costs for shipping outside of Germany.
Can I track my order?
We ship with DHL or Deutsche Post. You can select the option at checkout.
How can I contact Wunderglas?
Do you have questions or suggestions? We are glad to help you. Just send us an email to "info@wunderglas.shop" and we will get back to you within 2 working days.